A Year of Quiet, aka Lessons in Isolation

Strangely, I feel more prepared for self-isolation than I ever have in my life, and I realized this weekend that my year of quiet in rural Japan taught me a lot about how to manage limited social contact and a uniquely singular life. I figured there’s no time like a pandemic to share a few things that kept me sane.

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resilience: wash, rinse, repeat

An interesting thing I have noticed ("interesting" is the Midwestern term for funny, strange, or, in this case, surprising) during my first month abroad is that many people seem to assume that because I am enjoying myself, this transition - to a completely new job, country, language, life - is a walk in the park. We view each other's lives through the scope of social media posts and Instagram stories, so most of what we glean is surface level. It's easy to scroll past and make those assumptions.

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seriously, not serious enough.

I always find the form that goodbyes take to be particularly interesting. Something I have noticed about being friends with photographers is they will often want to leave you with a portrait. This kind of time keeping is a quiet but powerful reminder that you exist, you hold a place in someone's life, you took up the space that was made for you. 

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first things first

The road here can be distilled down to this: I applied to teach English as an ALT on a whim, and said I would see it through as far as it went. Seeing as this is as far as it went, I am seeing it through. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. 

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Grace MolteniComment